Ginny Nagy was born in 1951 and grew up in a working-class railroad town in central New Jersey, United States.
Her canvases certainly exude emotion, frequently sad, sometimes psychopathic. She does not set out with the intent of evoking such reactions. Only when one of her paintings amuses has a conscious objective for that painting been displayed. Predominantly, she is simply working with the vibrant colors and shapes that she sees in her surroundings – seeing them in human faces and figures, obviously not a source of security and serenity for her. In her more recent work, the backgrounds too have exposed the turbulence of her world. With few models, she often paints self-portraits, but not of her true appearance. Instead, her self-portraits reflect a range of moods and daily mutations of her self-image. Her active mind unconsciously directs the rapid production of her brushes and other tools, leaving it to the viewer to be intrigued, amused, repulsed, or knowingly pleased as may be. Seldom does a viewer turn away without a reaction.